Hello, everyone, and welcome to my little corner of the blogging world!
My name, as you might has guessed, is Holly. I've been horse riding since mid-2008, and I've loved almost every second in the saddle. I originally started this blog as way of tracking my progress through Pony Club, but as I've since started university, it's become more of a mish-mash of horsey things as well as my student lifestyle. Many of my more equine-related posts will consist of the things I learn through my course, as I'm studying for an Equine Science degree.
Occasionally I will also incorporate photography into my blog, as this is another hobby of mine, and I'll also include some food-related posts too. As a vegetarian, I often see recipes that inspire me to throw on the metaphorical apron, and I've seen many vegan blogs which offer some very tasty looking food!
I hope you stick around and find something of interest. Follow my social media for more regular updates - you'll find links in the sidebar to the right of the screen. Don't be afraid to get in touch via email either, even if it is just to share your blog with me. I'd love to read it~
Sometimes I will have Q and A posts, so if you have a question you would like answered, either email me or send me a tweet to @EquiHolly or use #AskEquiHolly. If I already follow you, feel free to send me a Direct Message instead if that's what you prefer. Further details for communication will be on the 'Contact Me' page.
Updates on Sunday at 20:00 GMT/BST - if this is likely to change I will mention it on social media first but I try my best to be consistent :)