Saturday, 6 June 2015

Summer Goals 2015

Like many riders, I have developed some habits that I would really like to work on, and so this summer I'm planning on doing my best to correct the issues. It's not the easiest thing to commit to in that I no longer have private lessons, so my instructor can't be focusing on me for the entire hour with three to four other girls in the group who also need instructing. That being said, some of these issues are things I can happily work on by myself without much hassle, so here is my list of things I want to improve upon/do by the end of the summer.

  1. Heels down
    So, this one is pretty self explanatory. My heels tend to creep up a little bit when I ride, usually if I'm concentrating on something else - like jumping - but obviously, I need them to stay down for security and also equitation purposes. It's not like my toes are pointing to the ground, but when I kick on or I'm in two point position, I feel the weight shift a little too much. My balance is already sorely lacking, so this is something I really want to work on. I think I will be spending several minutes on several days standing at the bottom of the stairs!

  2. Jumping Position
    My position over jumps has been a little questionable as of late. It's not something my instructor has commented on, but I can feel that something is wrong. So I'm hoping that with a few more jumping lessons I can work on staying in sync with the horse, as I think my position is possibly a result of being left behind or getting ahead of the movement, especially on horses I don't know so well (or the horse deciding to jump oddly because the fences aren't high enough - yes, Bailey, I'm talking about you!).

  3. Stamina/Core
    Being a grown up student that no longer has to endure P.E/Games lessons means that, unfortunately, my exercise level is practically non existent. The result of this is that when horse riding and doing something more strenuous - like maintaining two-point position - isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world. I think my aim for this summer will be improving my overall fitness, with particular focus on my core muscles. This will hopefully also strengthen my back.

  4. Competitions
    The stables where I ride often holds little competitions for the clients, normally show jumping. Now, I've entered a grand total of three competitions, one of which was actually dressage. My show jumping results weren't so great. In the first competition I was riding Ozzie, and I think I had two refusals and he managed to run out of a combination through the tiniest gap. In the second competition I was riding a lovely grey pony who ran out due to a fault on my part (I didn't check him enough to make a line). The dressage competition was so much better, and I was so close to getting a rosette that actually had a number on it instead of the word 'special'. I felt so happy about the dressage competition because one of the canters was particularly comfortable and collected, which given the horse I was riding really surprised me! I would like to enter a couple more competitions so that I get better with things like lines, angles, collection and the small competitive streak in me would like a rosette with a number on it - it would be my first!.  
Only four goals there, but to be honest the first three are long term aims and I just feel that the summer is a great time to work on them because I'll have more free time. I'll probably end up thinking of more things that I want to work on, but for now they are my priorities (with the fourth being just for fun!). I'm also hoping that I'll be able to get a couple of badges in the next few months. We've been working on equine first aid, and I would like to complete the road rider test at some point in the near future.

So there you have it. The goals I at least intend to work on once haha

Until the next time, keep calm and canter on! :)


  1. 2 and 3 are also my goals. How are you coming along with them? Charlotte

    1. I haven't managed to have a jumping lesson since posting this, so goodness knows what state my position is like! But I went for a long walk yesterday around a Valley Park, so I'm hoping to do similar walks on a regular basis. How about you?
