Sunday, 13 September 2015


Do you ever just have them days where you find yourself missing the ponies you used to love? Today is one of them days.

We were using the old computer yesterday to upload some photos from various things that have happened over the past few months. Having not used the computer for a long, long time I couldn't resist the temptation to look through a file titled "Holly horse riding", and what I saw gave me a wave of nostalgia for the stables I used to ride at.

There are two horses in particular that I miss because I rode them a lot. The first of these horses is called Nigel. He is an Irish Sport Horse (though riding him you wouldn't believe it - his attitude was far from get up and go!). He is 15.2hh, and according to an old page on the stable's website he was 13 years old when they uploaded the profile.

How adorable is that face? I learnt to canter on this horse. I'm not entirely sure when the website was made, because although it's copyrighted to 2009 I have no clue as to whether that was for the previous website they had, or whether it's from when they revamped it and added all the horsey profiles. If we go by the copyright, then he's 19 years old now. I absolutely loved this horse, and was quite sad when his owner moved him to a different yard. I've not seen Nigel since, and he was so loveable. Obviously, I have no way of tracking him down so I don't even know if he's still alive, but he is definitely one of the horses that I'll always remember.

The second horse I'm feeling particularly nostalgic about is another Irish Sport Horse called Ronnie. Now, his canter always made me feel like I was sitting weirdly in the saddle. He had such a skinny frame that his canter literally made my hips feel like one side was further forward. But it was such a lovely canter, if I remember correctly. Ronnie was absolutely fab, and such a gorgeous roan too. He's 16hh, and according to the website he's competed for PC and BE.

I think he was sold, but I don't know who to. I've no clue if he is used for a riding school or what. I know he is a fab horse though, and whoever has owned him since his days at the stables I used to go to is really lucky. At the time the picture was taken he was about 9 years old, so he must be 15 years old by now, again assuming he's had a healthy life.

These horses taught me so much. I could list a few others from my old stables, but one of the others that I loved unfortunately passed away when an unknown virus hit the stables. The other horse, as far as I know, is still there but towards the end of my time at the stables, when I rode he r it wasn't the same as when I was beginning to ride. Although she is lovely, I think I was too used to the slightly more unpredictable youngsters.

Anywho, it'd be interesting to see if any of you recognise the above! Wouldn't that be a small world?
I hope you are all well. Feel free to share any memories you have of the horses and ponies that have stuck with you throughout the years.

Until next time!

NB: I didn't take the photos - they are sourced directly from the website owned by my old stables.

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