Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Natural Horsemanship

Hey, everyone!

I'm currently working on my EPQ, and I thought that it would be a really good idea to run a survey to help my research. I'd really appreciate it if you could take a minute or two to answer the questions and share this post on! The more replies I get, the better the research my will be.

Okay, so onto my EPQ. I'm looking into the ways in which natural horsemanship affects equine behaviour and rehabilitation. Not having a horse myself, I can't practice this first hand, but I'm always impressed watching people like Monty Roberts. That in mind, I'd love to know your experiences.

1) Do you practice natural horsemanship? Why (not)?
2a) If yes, have you tried different methods (e.g. Parelli, Join-Up etc) or stuck to one style?
2b) If no, would you consider practising natural horsemanship?
3) What is your relationship with your horse like?
4) Has your relationship improved since practising natural horsemanship?
5) Have there been any other changes in behaviour, positive or negative, since practising natural horsemanship?

If you could please answer these questions in as much detail as possible, I would be much obliged!

Thanks guys,

Until next time :)

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